"Certainty is the Enemy of Discovery"

At least that's what it said on the marquee of the exterminator's shop across the street from our house the day we left. We took it as a good omen.

Welcome to Jersey Expats! We're Chris & Nikki (and our son, Crashboy). We sold our house and most of our stuff, left our lives in New Jersey behind and hopped a plane for Costa Rica! We've been here for around nine months so far and it's been quite an adventure. Having never been here prior to moving (we know, crazy), it took a few months just to wrap our brains around our new "Pura Vida" lives - from language (dusting off high school Spanish via embarrassing exchanges) to finding our way around (no street signs, no real addresses) to knowing where to buy groceries and beyond. It's all been a massive adjustment. Frustrating at times? Yes. Magical at times? Definitely.

We've got tons of stories to tell, pictures to share and recommendations for those of you considering making the leap as well. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!


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